----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert"
Subject: Re: Skills - was Re: Sent My Brother to the Dark Side

I tend to agree with Herb, even the overall quality of the images posted to the PDML has risen significantly since the widespread adoption of DSLRs. Content is often of comparable quality though obviously individuals attraction to certain subject matter varies. There are a lot of images that I've seen posted here in the last few years that I'd happily hang on my wall. Of the other non-photo centric lists that I subscribe to I've also seen a marked improvement in the
general quality of images presented too.

Consider that photography has suddenly moved from alchemy to something both understandable and controlable by anyone willing to take the time to educate themselves to even a rudimentary level. Five years ago, one of the pet peaves was photo labs, and how crappy they had become (I remember this, because my skin was rubbed raw a few times. I haven't heard a photolab bitchfest for some time now). One of the big advantages of digital is that the photographer is able to control the process, right from the get go to the final print. For the advanced photographer, this is a wonderful thing, since now what they wanted to see is possible to put to paper (or pixels as the case may be) without the limitations of machine prints.

William Robb

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