frank theriault wrote:

On 10/29/05, Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In the days of film capture image quality pivoted around film and lenses. Given
that the same film was available to all brands absolute image quality between
brands wasn't a significant issue, the best were all bear equivalent image
makers, extra cash bought gadgetry. Every DSLRs imposes its own absolute limit
WRT image quality, this has created a significant change in the philosophy
camera body purchase.

I guess some people stayed with poor latitude and grainy old films even though
better films were available but the difference was that if you wanted to
upgrade then you just bought the new film. The fact that very few of us were
bitching about wanting a new LX, a 25 year old camera now sort of puts it in

well then, all those people here (not referring to you, rob) who
constantly bitch and whine about pentax should shut the fuck up and go
buy another camera system.  you're life will then be complete, and
you'll be able to die happy.

you can remain on this list and continue to be welcome, as have many
defectors over the years.  christian, marnie, cotty, all come to mind,
and i know i've forgotten quite a few.

i just don't understand this "pentax doesn't make what i want, so i'm
going to complain about it and if that doesn't work i'll threaten to
move to another brand" rant that we so often hear on this list.

They hadn't come out with the *istD yet when I really wanted a good camera of that type, so I simply went out and bought a competing brand, without bragging about it. I'm quite happy with it and see no point in jabbing my fellow travelers in the ribs about it! I guess because I didn't have to sell any of my other Pentax gear, and with that fine little Optio S4 as a backup, I don't feel deprived in any way!
Furthermore, none of it is Pentax' fault!  ;-)

go!  we won't hate you. really.

funny, but the "defectors" made their switch very quietly, iirc,
telling us pretty much after the fact what they did and why, without a
lot of histrionics.  otoh, the whiners have been whining for years,
and they're still here.  hmmmm....

i say:  be good capitalists and vote with your feet.  pentax (by your
accounts) seems not to be listening anyway;  maybe they'll listen to
the bottom line (ie:  lost sales).

what?  what's that?  the ds is a huge success and seems to be selling
well and is getting good reviews?  (including a three camera dslr
shootout in the last american photo magazine, btw).  well what can i
say.  bottom line is that pentax ain't coming out with a "pro" 35mm
equivalent dslr in our lifetimes.  if that doesn't suit you, please,
put us out of our misery.

rant over.

-frank (only slept 3 hours last night due to throbbing arm and hand...

There's a good joke or three there, but, considering your mood, I'll pass... i'm crankier than usual) <g>

I could tell!


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