For a long time I have held that with the instruction book and a little patience anyone with an ounce of intelligence can find out how to work a machine or instrument. Too bad -- I now have to abandon this premise.

After getting the card for the *ist D I programmed custom 1 so that it would do the things I needed for the microscope. Everything works and the images are first class. However, things are not going so well with the camera off the microscope.

First of all a simple question. The battery indicator shows full when the camera is turned on and everything works. I've taken a few pictures of things in my lab and they look okay. But after a while the battery shows empty. But things are still working okay. Is this normal? The original Lithiums and a fully charged set of new NiMH show the same thing.

And now the problem. The flash, when up, stops the camera from exposing. If I put it down I can take a badly lit image of a dark corner. Auto focus works, exposure measurement works and the pictures, where there is enough light, look fine.

There is nothing in the book that helps. The A for auto is on but no flash setting makes any difference. There are other (perhaps related) problems but I had the impression that the green button solves all. I guess I'm mistaken. But I think I'd better ask my questions one at a time. By the way I can be contacted on Skype these days 'edfwill' or Don Williams, Finland, and if anyone has the time and patience I'd be eternally grateful.

Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005

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