----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stenquist"
Subject: Re: Shoot now, focus later

I'm no artist, but I like working in PhotoShop <g>. Lots of fun. I don't feel like I'm doing anything much different than what I did in the darkroom, except that I have a lot more control.

It's a different set of skills, and it is a more democratic one.
It's more likely now that if you can imagine it, you can put it on paper.
Some of the things that can be done easily and routinely in Photoshop are incredibly time consuming, and require far more patience and skill to acomplish when one is working with a conventional photographic process, if they can be acomplished at all.

I have no problem with competitions wanting to judge an image that has been digitized in a different category from one which has not been digitized. It is no different in philosophy from separating colour from black and white, or painting and photograph for the purpose of competition.

With this in mind, I found, while cleaning out the basement, the following cool thing: A Sam Haskins Book of Mini Posters, which contains a couple of dozen foot by foot and a half (more or less) posters of what looks like late 60s kinda flower power erotic art photography.

I'm not sure when it was shot, but the Pentax cameras being flogged were the 6x7 and the ESII, so I suppose it was when that camera was current. Anyway, contrived content aside, the artwork itself is very well done, and definitely was pre computer.

William Robb

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