On 11/24/05, Tom Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tend to ignore digital threads. There doesn't seem to be much else on this 
list lately.


We're past due for a new poll, aren't' we?  So what's your favorite
film, and why?

Hmmm... I think my favourite colour film right now is the new Kodak Elite Colour 400UC that I started using a little while back, but I've only shot about three rolls of it... I rather like it's colour rendering, and it seems to have quite fine grain for ISO400 - which is what I mostly use because it seems to be too dark for slower films in most of the situations I'm taking pictures. I'm not sure if this is really a new film, by-the-way; it seems to be a replacement for Royal Supra or something, and I wouldn't know if anything except the name was actually updated.

For B&W, I'd probably go for the FP4 or HP5... No wait, make that an APX100 with expiry date in 2001. Someone gave 8 or 9 of these to me (i.e. a pack of 10 where only 1 or 2 was used) a while back. I've shot and developed 5 rolls so far, and I'm not able to find any obvious differences from films that are not out of date...

- T

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