On 28 Nov 2005 at 18:54, Jack Davis wrote:

> I'll work on being "meaningful." In the meantime I'd love to feel
> content with an answer to what I though was an embarrassingly basic
> question: Will a 1.5mb or 1.5mp jpeg produce as sharp a 20x30 print as
> a 6.0mb or 6.0mp RAW capture?
> My guess is that based on mb, no. 

Correct, there's no magic to JPEG compression, as you scale down the print size 
of course the differences will be overcome at a particular size (as determined 
by the characteristics of the printer).

> Re-opening a seriously compressed jpeg should be sparingly done to
> avoid artifacts? B'lieve that's what I heard and have experienced.

Opened and saved yes, if you are intending to edit and save it more than once 
you are best off saving the first edit as a TIFF or in some other no-loss 

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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