From: John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There's no real reason for the player units to cost a lot, of course;
I can buy a cheap-ish 400-DVD carousel from a home audio-video store.

I did something like this with my CD collection. Two 400-disc Sony carousels, both about half full. It's actually amazing that the CD's used to take up a tremendous amount of shelf space and now they're all contained in the units that play them. They're indexed in Excel so I always know which slot contains which disc. The index can be sorted by slot, genre, or artist. I can see my entire collection at a glance by looking at the Excel printout in the A/V closet and find what I'm looking for in seconds, whereas it used to be craning the neck up and down shelves of CD cases, looking for minutes sometimes, for several CD's. When one got in the wrong box there was hell to pay.

Tom C.

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