That's not necessarily the case, many of the 'newer' Nikon bodies will not meter with non-CPU lenses, while we should get at least stop-down metering with them adapted to K mount (With the exception of a couple crippled bodies, the MZ-60 and MZ-50). And the Nikon bodies are typically pricier for what you get.


J. C. O'Connell wrote:

I wasn't implying that there werent any nice desireable
nikkor lenses, I was just stating I don't think its
worth the effort to try to use them on Pentax K bodies
when there are so many nice new and used SLR/DSLR nikon bodies
to easily use them with....especially since Nikon didn't
change the mount when they went AF so even the latest
bodies can at least use the oldest nikkor lenses to
the same extent as any pentax body w adapter would
ever be able to and much easier...

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Sanderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: Nikon lens on M42 body???????

I have several rather nice Nikon lenses, that's why
I bought the FM, to have something to use them on.
Just for grins I just held a NIKKOR-P 105/2.5 in place
on an ME Super body.
Compared the relatively small/dim finder on the FM
the view was amazing. Actually:
T'was a beautiful thing!
The modification would be relatively simple, and
reversible. A K mount ring, a spacer and a few holes
to match the ones in the lens.
Hey, it's been a cold, dark, rainy winter.
I'm getting cabin fever! ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: J. C. O'Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 12:53 PM
Subject: RE: Nikon lens on M42 body???????

Why would you ever want to use nikon glass on k bodies? there are plenty of really nice nikon bodies both film and digital to even entertain the using k (or screw) lenses on nikon bodies, that would be nice ( but impossible) because there is nowhere near as many nice pentax bodies to use especially digital to choose from with your pentax glass....ala Cotty jco

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Sanderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: Nikon lens on M42 body???????

You're right, I just measured an FM at ~46.53 and an ME at ~45.5. Silly me had assumed that the M42 to Nikon adapter allowed infinity focus with M42 lenses. It only focuses out to about 8 feet! ;-( I've had the adapter for over a year and just now realised it doesn't work. This DOES however make adapting Nikon lenses to K bodies a possibility. With a little "Cottying", of course. ;-)

Anyone know the register on Canon and Minolta bodies??? <vvbg>


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Nikon lens on M42 body???????

Register for the Nikon mount is IIRC 1mm longer than M42 (46.5mm vs 45.5mm), but there's no way this adaptor maintains infinity focus, it's way too thick.


Don Sanderson wrote:

Anyone see how this could possibly focus to infinity on an M42 body? Seems to me the register distance is already 'shorter' on Nikon lenses. My Nikon body to M42 lens adapter spaces the lens about 3-4mm farther out from the body, it seems the one above would act as an extension tube as well as an adapter. I'll probably buy one anyway 'cause of the 'wierdness factor' but I don't see how it could actually work. ;-)


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