----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert"
Subject: Re: M42 lenses on *ist bodies, or, I'm an idiot

If you wished to fix a screw adaptor on each of your screw lenses you'd need to remove the adaptor locking flange and fabricate a locking pin hole on each lens assembly that mimics those found on a regular K mount lens. It sounds easier than it is because a lot of the screw mount lenses don't seat flat on the mount so a piece needs to be added. More trouble than it's worth in the end. I find
using anything but A compatible lenses on my *ist D a PITA.

I did a locking adaptor on my 17mm Fishy Tak.
I don't know if all the Taks are built thusly, but I took the lock spring off an adaptor, then used the screw to lock the adaptor to the lens, marked the back of the lens where the lock pin would be and cut a notch with a Dremel.
It locks on just like a regular K mount lens.

I also prefer A lenses on the D, I wouldn't bother doing an adaptation on any lens I could get in a Ka mount.

William Robb

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