A lot of us, and a lot of people outside the online world, don't have an
investment if CF cards, and some even have a few SD cards.  No matter what
choice is made, someone, somewhere, will be unhappy.  Technology moves on
... when cameras changed to being more electronic and automatic, those that
adapted to, and adopted, the change, often urged those of us who didn't to
move with the flow and accept the change.  I urge you to do likewise, Rob
... SD cards are the future <LOL>

> [Original Message]
> From: Rob Studdert 

> On 4 Jan 2006 at 18:57, Glen wrote:
> > Why the bias against SD cards? They supposedly have superior contacts.
> > can't think of any real advantage for CF cards.
> What about the simple fact that at any give point they can physically
> at least 4x the RAM for any given RAM package size over SD. Oh and the
> that some of us already use CF and don't wish to have to buy into SD or
> next storage tech. CF is small enough and robust enough for most of us
> apart from Bill sharing his pleb/kiosk stories I can't recall anyone else
> mentioning that they had problems with a CF cards contacts.

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