William Robb wrote:

You are rather overstating things. Last time I tried to buy raw chemistry, some of what was required came in 100 pound sacks. Glacial acetic acid was only available to me in 5 gallon pails, and I had to do a massive amount of paperwork to get "permission" to buy it, including sign a waiver that I would not be taking the stuff into a residential area, or anywhere that a chemical spill could cause personal hazard.

I suspect since the terrorists started their little game of checkers, it is much more than merely difficult to aquire the required chemistry, even though for the most part, it is pretty innocuous stuff. Notwithstanding, this might serve the black and white hobbiest (the three that are left), but colour is a different ballgame, it's kinda the dominant film type out there, and not very many people are overly interested in doing home processing.


William Robb


Spend some time at APUG.org, plenty of people doing their own chemistry. And Glacial Acetic Acid isn't a requirement (Water stop or vinegar can work too). Heck, for developer, Folgers and Baking Soda works.


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