On Feb 12, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Bob W wrote:

Rochester may be dreary, but you're on the way to the North Kent Marshes, which are a spectacular wetland/salt marsh habitat, and the setting of the opening scene of Great Expectations when Pip meets Magwitch in the graveyard
at Cooling.

It's very beautiful, and very important in historical and literary terms - it may be the setting for much of Beowulf, and was certainly one of the points where the Angles & Saxons first came to this country. So of course the government naturally wanted to put an airport there. Fortunately I think
they were defeated on that one.

One of my photographic trips to Kent took me to Cooling Castle, where I did a series of photos of Karen Boyle, a Jamaican model who was living in London. Cooling Castle is six miles north of Rochester right in the country you're talking about, and a great place for photo shoots. The current owners rent it out for weddings and other occasions.






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