On 2/17/06, Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Fascism is a form of socialism.

This thread keeps getting better and better.

If you have the time, Mussolini himself will tell you this is wrong:


In any case: Why is it that people need little compartments where to
place their ideas and views? "this is like that," "a is a form of b,"
etc etc.

It doesn't make for very high level discussion. It also helps
conveniently confuse things: Right now in America, it is enough to
wave the flag, yell "freedom" and talk about democracy for people to
believe they live in the best possible democratic republic. Never mind
that the election system is horribly broken, that the bottom line is
that the party with the most money and corporate connections wins, and
that there's no way or hope for third parties to have any chance at
governing in any way.

Sorry for the tangent. Now let's keep putting our ideas in little
boxes and line them up neatly in shelves so we can grab them easily
when talking politics.



Juan Buhler
Water Molotov: http://photoblog.jbuhler.com
Slippery Slope: http://color.jbuhler.com

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