The display of a FF DSLR followed by the *ist D with it's lack of aperture ring support then the gradual roll-out of aperture ring-less DA lenses and now the discontinuation of the FA lenses was orchestrated in such a way as to deceive. If they think that their strategy will have people running out to buy the "pro" 645D then they have another thing coming. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm am feeling pretty blunt today.

As long as we're venting regarding direction: Why not get on the bandwagon and give us a digital back-friendly 645?

The 645D is already behind the pro medium format back curve; pro photographers have left their Pentax MF gear behind. A body that was more friendly to 3rd party backs would have ultimately made them more money in lens sales anyway and doesn't require them to keep up with the crazy development curve of these MF sensors.

Even if people can't afford a bazillion megapixel back, they could have afforded the previous gen- and people like choice and potential of future improvement.


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