I've not gotten Fraser's book yet, as I was sans-digi for a while.  Seems
about time to order it now ...

Someone pointed out the reviews over at Luminous Landscape.  They provide
some good information.  I've only just read some of the first article. 
Here are the URL's for anyone interested:





> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> Lightroom is all about workflow: Data Assets Management integrated  
> with RAW conversion. It's not an RGB editing tool, although if all   
> your editing happens in the RAW conversion stage it could be.
> You can do B&W conversion in Camera Raw too. Bruce Fraser talks 
> about  it in "Real World Camera Raw...". I've played with it a little,
but I  
> prefer my technique which works in RGB space post RAW conversion.  
> Lightroom packages/automates some of the possible manipulations,  
> however, and could prove advantageous.

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