
IMO, better the man who hasn't studied all these things
and doesn't have to doubt his eyes when he opens them
in the morning.

Anyway, so much for all that.


On 3/29/06, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2006, at 8:19 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:
> > Sad in a way, isn't it? But I always read his posts.
> > Paul
> I agree. Keith's attempt at insult is sad compared to graywolf's.
> Perhaps it's the best he can do.
> The schmuck tells you all that he deliberately tried to insult me, I
> responded with something funny, and I'm the bad guy. The lack of any
> humor, or any cleverness, whatsoever in these attacks is pitiable,
> not insulting.
> I don't talk about things that I know nothing about, or spout pop
> philosophy in the name of "wisdom", or stand on a box proud that I
> have devised an opinion based on nothing but my lack of education or,
> what did he call it?, "journeyman level" employment credentials. You
> want to debate endlessly the cost of putting an aperture simulator
> into the next generation camera? Fine, go right ahead, I won't
> quibble with your meaningful treatises on that subject at all.
> I did actually study Latin, I did actually study Philosophy and
> General Semantics in the course of my education, along with a lot of
> other things. Not only that but I remember the subject matter, I
> didn't burn it out of my synapses with pot or coke or beer or endless
> partying. My degree is in Mathematics, and I have worked in Science
> and Engineering for over 20 years. I enjoyed the efforts of all these
> studies and that work: love working with the ideas, the concepts,
> love learning new things. It is with some pain that I read the emails
> tortured with "good old boy bumpkin philosophy" and half-formed
> thoughts, so I did my bit to interject some reasoned discussion. I'm
> sorry it offends your tender sensibilities, but of course I'm an
> arrogant snot because I'm not part of the sacred good old boy club of
> pentax lovers, or was it "the stink of darkroom smell lovers"? I
> don't know anymore, you've confused me.
> But I do find it humorous around here. And I do try to be helpful.
> Even if you don't appreciate the help, or the subtlety of trying to
> tell someone he's blowin' smoke out his behind without wanting to say
> out loud, "You're talking nonsense."
> And unlike others, I don't just "bail out" when something new and
> different is put in front of me. I endeavor to learn it, understand
> it, and then use it to extend my capabilities rather than turn my
> back on it. If I find I don't like it, see no reason to post a long
> tortured diatribe to rationalize my decision to do something else.
> usw,
> Godfrey
> PS: Quotes compliments Henry Beard's excellent, wry "Latin for All
> Occasions".
> ** A child's taunt **
> >>> Flexilis sum, gluten es, me resilit, ad te haeret!
> "I'm rubber, you're glue, bounces off me, sticks to you!"
> You can lob insulting remarks at me all you want, I will enjoy seeing
> who can say something clever. I expect to be disappointed. Make my day.
> ** Ways to end a conversation **
> >>> Mihi ignosce. Cum homine de can debeo congredi ...
> "Excuse me. I have appointment with a man about a dog..."

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