
Bracketing and time delay are in the function menu, right on top.  As is
the ISO setting and the white balance.  Plus - and it's only a rumor mind
you - the next firmware upgrade will provide a small pic of a dancing
hootchy cootchie girl ... 


> [Original Message]
> From: Joseph Tainter

> So, what controls concern you, Joe?
> Shel
> ----------
> Metering mode. Having both dials for Hyper Program or Hyper Manual.
> Is exposure bracketing down in a menu on the DS?
> Time delay -- usually I use the 2 second delay. (It looks like that one 
> may have gone to a menu in the D+.)
> I use the central autofocus point, so probably I can set than once and 
> forget it.
> I could live with these on menus. I could live without Hyper 
> Program/Manual. But I don't want to.
> Joe

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