Whatever. The outside points work. Even in low light. I use them all the time in dim room lighting with the FA 50/1.4.
On May 13, 2006, at 10:07 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

The points are not equal in sensitivity. All but the two extreme outside points are cross sensors (The points on the extremes of the horizontal axis are linear sensors) and my testing indicated that the centre sensor is definitely more sensitive than the other cross points, especially in low light where the other points are pretty much useless. That would be pretty much standard for AF sensor design (The same goes for the other two multi-point AF bodies I've owned, the 45 point EOS 3 and the 5 point Nikon F65). But the fact that only 9 of the 11 points are cross-type disproves your assertion.


Paul Stenquist wrote:

The points are all of equal sensitivity. When you dial one point in, that's the point that determines your exposure. It's really quite simple and far better than a simple center sensor.
On May 13, 2006, at 9:26 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

Personally, I never found the other points to be sensitive enough. I almost always left the D on the centre point. Never auto-select, absolutely never auto-select.


Paul Stenquist wrote:

Don't you feel any need to vary your autofocus point? I use the selective autofocus and move the point to where I want it. For example, when shooting street photography and anticipating verticals, I move it to the far right center area, so it will correspond to eye position when shooting verticals.
On May 13, 2006, at 7:45 PM, Joseph Tainter wrote:

So, what controls concern you, Joe?



Metering mode. Having both dials for Hyper Program or Hyper Manual.

Is exposure bracketing down in a menu on the DS?

Time delay -- usually I use the 2 second delay. (It looks like that one may have gone to a menu in the D+.)

I use the central autofocus point, so probably I can set than once and forget it.

I could live with these on menus. I could live without Hyper Program/Manual. But I don't want to.


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