On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:11 AM, Jostein wrote:

> Folder structure is the basic element of my solution. All the
> RAW-files goes into one folder structure The names of the folders and
> the organisation is down to personal taste, of course. I prefer a
> simple date-based setup like this:
> <RawFiles>
>     <year>
>         <quarter>
>             <date>-keyword   (example: 20060620-gardenShots)
>             <date>-keyword
>         <quarter>
>     ...etc.

I use a similar folder structure but take a different twist on it.

~Pictures/2006/ready-to-work/20060101[-optional event tag]
~Pictures/2006/ready-to-work/20060101[-optional event tag]/IMGPXXX1.dng
~Pictures/2006/ready-to-work/20060101[-optional event tag]/ 
IMGPXXX... .dng
~Pictures/2006/ready-to-work/20060102 ...
~Pictures/2006/worked/project-name[-optional start date]
~Pictures/2006/worked/project-name[-optional start date]/[tag-]XXX1.psd
~Pictures/2006/worked/project-name[-optional start date]/[tag-] 
XXX... .psd
~Pictures/2006/worked/project-name #2 ...

That way, I know where all the originals are for the whole library  
(always in a year/ready-to-work subdirectory) and individual  
renderings to Photoshop and other formats are collated into the  
"worked" area so I can easily identify what's been included in a  
project. (Kind of the same concept as Adobe Lightroom's "Sessions"  
and "Collections" although I came up with the structure before I'd  
seen Lightroom.) If a particular project is a grouping of files from  
several ready-to-work subdirectories, I make a copy of those .DNGs to  
a subdirectory of the project for ease in finding and managing the  
entire project as a unit.

I've not found any particular need to do month or quarter segregation  
myself, but of course you can figure whatever structure makes the  
most sense to you. :-)

> I also have a third structure where I put all images to be published
> on the web, but that's not in a state fit to describe to anyone...:-)

I do the same, but it's in the form of an exact mirror of my websites  
on the local hard drive. Makes it easy to work the HTML that way.

> When all that is said, I must admit that I avoid using Photoshop for
> organising files.

Photoshop CS2+Bridge has little capability for organizing files.  
Lightroom has DAM facilities built in. Right now, I use iView  
MediaPro as a cataloger/organizer. It reads the RAW format files JPEG  
previews and can create thumbnail catalogs very easily.


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