I think we all agree that print film will soon go the way of vinyl records as digital prints are now 'photo quality'.  The average snap-shooter will be more than happy to make the change especially as they will immediately be able to view and manipulate their photos on a computer.  Slide film, on the other hand, will hang in there a little longer.  As far as I know digital technology has no answer to slides.  Does anyone know if digital technology can produce high resolution slides that can be projected?  (and I don't mean via one of those projection TV systems).
Slides are my main source of pleasure in photography and a pleasure I reserve for travel and adventure photography.  Then when I'm home I can re-live and share the experience with others.  In principle I guess I would be happy to change to digital if: 1) I could use my old lenses and attachments and 2) digital slides of equal quality became available.
Western Australia

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