Rob Brigham writes:

> For your information, vinyl sales grew at a faster rate than CDs last
> year!  There are now upgraded versions of CD with higher sampling rates
> to try and emulate vinyl more closely.  If CDs were so perfect then SACD
> and DVD-A would not be needed!
> Vinyl is still hanging in threre and so will film.
> There is also some debate over the 'photo quality' of current digital
> cameras.

 The thing is, most people don't care about the quality of their sound or their 
image.  Not a lot of people (as proportion of the population) even know what a 
CD (or vinyl) is capable of sounding like because they haven't taken the time 
to listen using good playback equipment (I'm ignoring the dependence on the 
quality of the recording, which we have no control over).  Connect an SACD 
player to an all-in-one mini-system stereo and I very much doubt you'll hear a 

 Unless your equipment takes full advantage of the medium you won't even 
know the difference, let alone care about it.  I can't afford to go down the high-
end audio road myself but I made do with a decent pair of headphones and a 
dedicated headphone amplifier I built myself.  My current project is a 24-bit 
DAC which I'll put together when the chips arrive.

 For most people the exact same applies to cameras, except that I can't build 
my own lenses of similar quality for less money.

 Most of the population use a plastic point & shoot which they use for nothing 
other than 6x4 prints from K-mart.  They aren't prepared to spend the money 
on better gear; they have other interests.  You don't need a huge sensor with 
mega-sharp optics to match that stuff.  All you need is a minilab with a 
compact flash/USB/memory stick interface so people don't have to own/use a 
PC to get their pictures.

 Oops, better go to work.


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E. (Elec)

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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