Paul Crovella wrote:
> Adam Maas wrote:
>> I'm hardly a Republican (hell, I'm not even American).
> Well I'll tell ya, you'd fit right in!


I'm socially liberal, support socialized medicine and education, vote 
for the NDP on a regular basis (Canada's socialist party), opposed the 
(so-called) War on Drugs (up to and including supporting legalization of 
hard drugs), think peacekeeping is a good idea, support strong 
environmental regulation, am seriously in favour of (relatively) free 
immigration et al.

On the other hand, I think the 2nd Ammendment guarantees the First (And 
wish we had that guarantee here in Canada), am something of a hawk on 
National Defence and a skeptic on some Global Warming issues (The human 
contribution to it and the actual results of it, not whether or not it's 
occuring), but the latter is mostly due to historical data (It was 
notably warmer on earth 1000 years ago). Oh, and with a couple 
exceptions (notably healthcare and education), I generally think that 
government solutions cause more problems than they solve, but that's 
more a case of inherent bureaucratic empire building tahn anything else.

In other words, I'm a Tory/NDP swing voter, depending on the issues at 
hand. By US standards that would make me a moderate democrat, who might 
swing republican depending on the issues.


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