Doug Brewer wrote:
> Now that MIME has been dealt a death blow...

Hi Doug,

You da Man!!  This is great news, especially for the digest readers.  I've
got another question on this topic.  How will DEMIME handle the occasional
HTML post that is perhaps inadvertently sent by a list member?   For
example, my version of MS Outhouse (Outhouse '97, v. 8.03) defaults to a
MIME post with included HTML content for any replies I send.  If I send a
~new~ message to the list, I insert the PDML address from my address book,
and I've already defined the options for this specific address so that only
text is sent.  However, if I ~reply~ to a message from the list, my reply is
forced to MIME format with embedded HTML, so I need to manually insert the
"good" PDML address from my book.  99.9% of the time, I remember to do this,
but I might forget once in a great while.  Will DEMIME take care of this
annoying problem, or will it just flood the mailboxes of listmembers with a
lot of HTML flotsam and jetsam?

Regarding high ASCII characters, I can offer the following solution.  I
regularly correspond with a chemist colleague of mine in California.  Our
e-mail exchanges since the early days of seven-bit EBCDIC have often been
liberally injected with our peculiar brand of broken, patois Deutsch (part
private joke, and partly to keep our respective Orwellian computer network
people wondering), so we had to devise a way to do umlaut characters.  If we
need an umlaut, we type a colon directly before the standard letter: for
example, "Kennen Sie :uber [whatever]??"  If we need an "Angstrom A" or a
"slash O" (sorry guys, not sure what these characters are called), perhaps
we might do something like "P^al" or "/Oksne"?  Or should people who suggest
such a thing be seeking professional help??  :-)

Don't even get me started on kanji....  <grin>

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY
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