I posted a shot here a while back - Bette's Diner - in which I shot so far
to the right to the right that I literally had to paint in some highlight
details, yet the darker areas of the photo were still very noisy. This may
have been the result of having to shoot @ 1600 ISO, but, as has been said,
that area in Zones 1,2,and 3 were a bit of a mess.  Maybe using noise
reduction software is a solution.


> [Original Message]
> From: William Robb 

> From: "Kostas Kavoussanakis"
> Subject: Re: Another Pentax Story

> > Without first-hand experience[1], I think that we are confusing
> > exposure and outcome. Yep, shoot to the right to include a lot of
> > information on the digital negative. Then post-process as you like to
> > produce the image that you prefer.
> >
> Exposure controls outcome. If you overexpose digital (I presume this is 
> what you mean by shoot to the right), then you will likely blow out 
> highlights, and still have the problem of noisy, blocked up shadows.

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