On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 06:30:08PM -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> True, as far as it goes.  However, it's terribly inconvenient and downright
> annoying if a photographer can't obtain the desired results.  Personally, I
> don't care if I can quickly get crap out to the internet.  There are pics I
> walk away from because I know that I can't make a decent photo from the
> scene. Is it me or is it digital or is it Pentax digital?
> Shel

If you know you could get the result you wanted with film, but
you elect not to carry a film camera, then it's you; choosing
to carry only digital is like going out with only ISO 100-400
film in your bag.  It works for many things, but there are going
to be situations where you just have to give up on the shot.

Personally I find the results I get, shooting mainly in colour,
are no worse than what I got with Fuji 1600 colour film.  But
I wouldn't suggest that digital comes anywhere near replacing
high-speed B&W film.  Although, as I noted in another post, I
really don't like 35mm for that, either - I'm not a big fan of
excessively grainy images.

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