Attacking civilians without warning is not the same as collateral damage. Anyone who 
thinks it is is
an ass. But if you think we have bombed your country without cause. Just wait, 
radioactive vaper
does not committ acts of terrorism. And, it isn't the ones throwing the bomb that are 
cowards, it is
the ones in hiding telling them to do it. 
We may have done many things we can not be proud of, but we have never attacked purely 
targets without warning. And, you and yours will wish you hadn't either. 

If you want to know the response of the average american to this, it isn't fear, it is 
cold quiet
purposeful anger.

Nenad Djurdjevic wrote:
> I wish to firstly say that I feel a sense of complete anguish and horror at
> what has happened in America.  However, I agree with Gerald's comments
> below.
> No one would say that Col. Tibbets (who commanded the 'Enola Gay', B29 that
> dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima) was a coward - and his was not a suicide
> attack.  He was however responsible for the deaths of 80,000 people killed
> instantly and many more that died later.  More recently, American pilots
> dropped an astonishing amount of high explosives on Iraq and Serbia, my
> ancestral homeland, killing many an innocent person.  Would anyone say that
> the pilots who killed many of the staff of Belgrade TV (including the
> newsreader who was reading the news at the time) were cowards?  I doubt it.
> The people that commited these suicidal attacks on America must have been
> driven into a corner with no alternative but to resort to such a desperate
> act.  I'm not saying they were responsible, but we can only imagine how the
> Iraqis feel having been mercilessly bombed for more that 10 years now with
> no end in sight and no hope for a future for their children.
> Sadly, violence begats violence and whilst I agree that this act of
> terrorism cannot go unpunished, America and the civilised world, must find a
> way to end the vicious cycle of violence in the long term.  As Sting sang:
> "I've never seen a military solution that didn't end up as something worse".
> And "Star Wars' is of no use.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Lewis, Gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 4:55 AM
> Subject: RE: World Trade Center burning
> > When an amercan serviceman throws himself on a granade to save his buddies
> > we do not call him a coward, or when an american sericeman willingly puts
> > him/her self in the line of fire and dies defending their country we do
> not
> > call them cowards.  These terrorists, likewise, were not cowards... they
> > willingly attacked what they believed was their enemy and willingly and
> with
> > the anticipation of eternal life as a martyr proceeded to commit such an
> > atrocity and ensuring their death.  They may be many things, but coward is
> > not one of them.  It is this misunderstanding of their radical, evem for
> > Islamics, cultural and religious beliefs that continue to make us
> > underestimate their resolve and resources.
> -
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Tom Rittenhouse
Graywolf Photo
Charlotte, NC, USA
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