What the hell are you talking about. I never
suggesting buying a small HDTV, the whole
point of HDTV is a large screen so you can
easily see all the gorgous details. Secondly,
you are making the same mistake as ohthers have
in assuming you will watch the same amount
of time with large HD as you did with ntsc.
When its way better you will watch more
and want to watch more.

Regarding large 50' screens, going to the
movies is now typically WORSE than the
best HD images now. The very best and newest theater
near me, Regal cinemas, charges $9 for
a ticket and the picure is not as good
as the best HDTV. You might find that hard
to believe but its true. Not only is
it much more grainy, its not as sharp from corner
to corner, and not as evenly lit or "synced"
vertically as stable as good as HD. and of course
a movie theater is not the same as a home
theater because they only show new movies,
not anything you want like DVD or TV or
vintage films that HDTV allows.

Lastly, have you checked prices lately? 
Even big HD screens like 40", 42" 45" 50" are
very very affordable now. Lower prices than
10 years ago at way way higher picture quality.

-----Original Message-----
Adam Maas
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 3:19 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: It's snowing in hell --OT

I tend to watch movies on a 50' screen with full DTS. No home theater 
can compare. Rewatching is typically on a laptop while in transit 
somewhere or (on rare occasions) on the TV.

You may not go back, but I've yet to see the benefits of replacing my 
(decent) 27" CRT with a far more expensive HD set that i'll barely 
watch. Ain't worth the money.

And small widescreens suck at TV distances. a 27" 4:3 CRT is more 
watchable at a 10' distance than a 32" 16:9, due to the lack of vertical

size on the latter (it's wider, but distinctly shorter). I'd need to buy

at elast a 36" and likely a 42" to get a similar vertical size on the


J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> What do you mean by "TV"? If you mean only the Network primetime TV 
> shows, you're probably right, I wouldnt really know as I have little 
> interest in any TV shows except I do watch a lot of Leno and Conan and

> SNL. But movies are at another whole level artistically and culturally
> and HD is worth the very low cost just for movies, let alone sports
> or TV shows you might watch. There is no point in sticking
> with a crappy analog TV for any reason IMHO because
> considering the low cost and long life of a HD set, they
> are a no brainer STEAL and I would never ever go back
> to watching crappy analog NTSC no matter what...
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Adam Maas
> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:33 PM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: It's snowing in hell --OT
> Frankly, 90% of what's on TV today is crap. The other 10% is merely 
> bad.
> -Adam
> J. C. O'Connell wrote:
>> Who says the programs are shit? There is TONS
>> of great HD programs now like MOVIES, All primetime TV shows, and
>> SPORTS. I am a big movie buff and when I see my favorite films in HD 
>> for the first time it's mindblowingly way more enjoyable compared to 
>> what I have been seeing over the last 40 years. I get HBO-HD,
>> SHOWTIME-HD,HDNET Movies, and CINENAX-HD, and between all those
>> and my HD-DVR to capture them and play at my
>> leisure, I have more great movies to watch
>> than I have time to watch them and I watch
>> A LOT. SWITCH to HDTV immediately, it's not just a TV,
>> its true home theater. Trust me you will not regret it,
>> the only regret you will have is why you didnt
>> switch earlier? WHY WHY WHY would you still want
>> to watch crappy crappy old ntsc TV in 2006? It makes no sense
>> especially when you consider how many thousands and thousands
>> of hours of use you get out of a set for so little cost.
>> jco
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>> Of Bob W
>> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 1:53 PM
>> To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
>> Subject: RE: It's snowing in hell --OT
>> The technology can be as whizz-bang as you like, but if the 
>> programmes
>> are shit, what's the point?
>> --
>>  Bob (the only thing I watch is Strictly Come Dancing)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>>> Of J. C. O'Connell
>>> Sent: 17 December 2006 17:53
>>> To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
>>> Subject: RE: It's snowing in hell --OT
>>> My God, this is the HDTV era for 8 years
>>> already! Get yourself
>>> a good HDTV and get free DVDS ( they look
>>> way better on a progressive scan HDTV
>>> than any analog 4x3 set can ) from the
>>> library. You dont know what you're missing,
>>> especailly if you can appreciate good imaging/cinematography and 
>>> being a photographer already kinda proves that. jco
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>>> Of graywolf
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 12:16 PM
>>> To: PDML
>>> Subject: It's snowing in hell --OT
>>> Graywolf got a new pet, a television. There it was sitting in the
>>> thrift
>>> store looking all sad and abandoned, so he paid $15 + tax to spring
>>> it. It sulked at first shutting itself off after less than an hour, 
>>> and graywolf thought he was going to have to turn it out on the
>>> streets. But
>>> a thorough cleaning, wasn't filthy but 25 years of dust on its
>>> circuit boards mostly came off and a night to get used to its new
>>> home, and it 
>>> seems to be working nicely.
>>> Like any new pet graywolf is going to have to buy it some things, a
>>> remote, and a longer cable as the one he has is not long enough to 
>>> tether it to the splitter and he has to change back and forth
>>> it
>>> and the modem in the mean time. And later a VCR so graywolf can
>> watch
>>> movies from the local public library. Maybe an upgrade in cable
>>> service.
>>> This could be a very expensive pet.
>>> OH? The breed? Magnavox 27in stereo console. By its tag it was born
>>> early in 1983 and cost $539.97 ($849.95 list). Does that make it an 
>>> antique, or just an old TV?
>>> One would think the thing would take up a lot of space, but actually

>>> instead of taking up space it provides a table to place things like 
>>> the DVD player and the Epson printer on.
>>> Anyway as the subject line implies graywolf buying a TV is a very
>>> rare occurrence, it has only happened twice in 63 years.
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> PDML@pdml.net http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> PDML@pdml.net
>>> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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