One more thing before I'm filtered out ;-)

Please don't read this post of mine as something written to set of a flame
I'm simply sharing some thoughts. I know there are those who disagree with
me, I can live perfectly happily with that ;-)

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim
Sent: 19. desember 2006 19:37
To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Subject: RE: Please everyone set up an email filter

This may not make me popular here, but I'll take the risk. I feel like
defending "you know who" a bit. 

Ok, "you know who" has been involved in a lot of arguments. "You know who"
has also been very persistent in his argumentation. His language has been a
bit over the top. And, I got to admit that "you know who" has pissed me of
at several occasions. 

I could go on like this for a long time, but in the name of justice; I have
never seen a fight with one single person involved, not before, not now, nor
in future. It's simply impossible to fight on you own. Other has been
persistent too, others has been a bit over the top and so on. 

And our friend Ken has a valid point. He said something about pushing "you
know who"'s buttons, just to make him go wild. Ok, this has turned "you know
who" into a loose canon on deck. But I mean that trying to lunch him out
like this is unfair, and a bit unwise. 

I think we have another problem than "you know who". I think it is something
that is wrong. I think there is a lot of frustration on the list now, and I
not sure it is only because of "you know who". 
To be honest: I have no idea what this other source of frustration is. It
could be the winter on northern hemisphere, it could be because of the
waiting for the K10D, or envy of those who has the K10D, it could be
anything. But I don't think it is possible to point out one single reason. 

Come on guys. "You know who" has a temper, yes. He can be a PITA, yes. But
so can I. I know I have been. 
"You know who" his personal style, he repeats every argument three times
(therefore I read just every forth post from "you know who" ;-)). But so
have I. 

Why not filtering me out? (Ok, for all that I know, I can be filtered out
from many of you. I guess I will be after this post ;-) 

Ok. I'll stop there, with repeating my main point: It always takes two to
fight. There is one picker, but also one taker.

Note my one time signature ;-)

Tim, next guy to be filtered out. 

-----Original Message-----
Perry Pellechia
Sent: 18. desember 2006 18:22
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Please everyone set up an email filter

Please stop responding to you know who.

Please learn how set up your email client to filter out all email from him.

It is really the only way to bring civility back to the list.

You cannot win.  If you disagree with him you are WRONG.  If you agree
with him you are also WRONG.   Do not get sucked in to these endless
and pointless diatribes.

If you need help setting up your email client, ask for help.  I am
sure there are enough people here that can help.

Perry Pellechia

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