
> I think Boris was asking about the lack of the lens makernote data in  
> the K10D RAW/DNG files.
> Well, I have confirmed that DS files, both PEF and DNG created by DNG  
> Converter, include this information and that Adobe Photoshop/Bridge/ 
> Camera Raw and Lightroom interpret it correctly. The K10D DNG files,  
> either PEF converted by PPL or DNG created in camera, do not carry  
> the lens makernote data in a form that can be interpreted by any of  
> the above.
> This looks to be a Pentax implementation omission. Once Adobe  
> releases a DNG Converter compatible with K10D PEF files, it will be  
> interesting to see whether the makernote is properly converted and  
> interpretable.

There is another point here which I probably did not stress enough. 
Consider the Pentax Browser 3.0 software. It is fully compatible with 
either PEF or DNG from the K10D. Now, on *istD my Tamron 28-75/2.8 does 
register properly. On K10D its name does not show either in ACR or in 
Pentax Browser. However any of the Pentax lens I tried so far (31, 43, 
77, 50) shows properly in the Pentax Browser.

Thus I have to conclude that somehow Pentax has changed the way camera 
registers the name of the lens. Or like you point out, they somehow 
managed to hide it in the data even from their own Pentax Browser.

This does not make our pictures look any better or worse but it surely 
is curious.


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