I used to enjoy Arbuelita frequently, but since nestle has become the
owner/distributor of the product, I no longer buy it.  Moctezuma's not too
hard to come by, and I've not tried it, so I will.  However, your comments
reminded me that a local Mexican place made some great hot chocolate, and
sold the chocolate for their mix.  The chocolate was imported from Mexico,
but their chef tried to duplicate it and they discontinued the Mexican
import, which, imo, was a more tasty product than their prepared version. 
I may stop by the restaurant and see if they can give me some more
information about the Mexican product.

BTW, Arbuelita is just about everywhere, and has been for years, at least
around here.  Many of the supermarkets carry it, and did long before the
nestle involvement.
Moctezuma can be easily purchased via numerous mail order places, including
Amazon.  I'm sure some of the specialized Mexican groceries will carry it
as well.



> [Original Message]
> From: Gonz 

> I grew up on Moctezuma, but I cant get it here, so I suspect you would 
> have a hard time getting it, I have relatives bring it when they go down 
> south.  Its hard to top chocolate from the people that originated it, 
> and Moctezuma is my absolute favorite.  If you can find Abuelita, is a 
> decent substitute, and its not hard to find in the US in specialty stores.
> I suspect however, that you want it right now, so my suggestions are 
> only good to prepare for the next time you're in the mood for hot
> rg
> > Anyone got a recipe that they like for hot chocolate.  It's cold @ Casa
> > Belinkoff these mornings, and I'm not satisfied with the various recipes
> > and techniques I have here for hot chocolate.
> > 
> > 
> > Shel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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