Watch out here as an elitist snob... I have been very careful to 
qualify any of my potentially denigrating comments WRT "photographer" vs. 
"technician."  I personally think of it as the difference between a 
"technical photographer" and an "artsy photographer."  I am very much the 
former, but try to learn more of the latter as I go.  The majority of 
photographers that I know of (including most of this list) lean more 
towards the artsy side.  Both are necessary to some degree for good 

        The snap-n-shooter who fires away endlessly and never goes of 
automatic idiot mode is neither.  The cursed soul like me aspires to have 
a creative eye while perfecting the technical aspects.  The majority 
seem to learn just enough technical aspects as necessary to exercise their 
creative eye.

        In the limiting case, I've heard it argued as to whether or not 
some of the HEAVILY manipulated digital photographs should be considered 
photographs at all.  Maybe, maybe not.  Should they be considered 
art.  Certainly... IMO.  Everyone chooses how far on either side they wish 
to go.


On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> Well, let me then amend my post: I think he's more a technician than a
> photographer concerned with the aesthetics and creativity involved in
> photographing a subject.  I believe Mr.Papanfuss has stated that as well,
> at least to some degree.
> Further - and this just may be me - I don't recall ever seeing any of his
> photographs posted here, although he does talk a lot of technical stuff.
        I've posted a few.

> IMO, one may record a scene and be considered a photographer by some - and
> maybe just holding a camera and pushing the button makes one a photographer
> - but I think there's more to it than that, that some creativity beyond
> just recording a scene and looking for an accurate color reproduction
> contributes to the making of a photographer.  But then, I have often been
> called an elitist snob
> Of course, Rob, you're very technically oriented, and might that not color
> your opinions just as my limited technical expertise may color mine?
> Shel
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Digital Image Studio
>> On 11/01/07, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> And how did you, or do you, deal with B&W?
>>> Youir comments suggest that you're not a photographer but some kind of
>>> technician.
>> I'm a bit confused and surprised at some of the comments relating to
>> Cory's posts. Whether somebody is making photographs to create art or
>> records surely they are still a photographer if they control how or
>> what is being photographed?


* Cory Papenfuss, Ph.D., PPSEL-IA                                       *
* Electrical Engineering                                                *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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