>People say they killfile others but they don't and react.
>Whatever one's frustration is, these languages do make anyone (at least me)
>feel sad.  It's only about lens, and I just have to wonder why a little
>thing provokes others' mind so much.  There does not seem that any pride or
>I-am-superior-to-you issue involves here.
>Just sad.  It was not quite like this before.

Here's a recent post on the Yahoo LX200GPS list.  Gives one pause:

"I would love to know where some folks went. I am not a forum junkie so 
don't spend time searching for them, but would like to find other additional 
sources of information and experiences to learn from.

Also, am I the only person in here who gets almost nothing from personal 
attack, be it real or perceived, and then the inevitable defensive posturing 
that follows.

I have no idea what this forum is for, I'm too new to know why it was set 
up. I guess to share experiences, rather than to bash or rant.

If people want to 'get' at me in a forum, then I will respond in a personal 
mail or will ignore it. What I won't do is turn it into a bar brawl.

I feel like there are too many people in forums, this one and many others, 
who do not consider their posts before they hit the send key. I doubt if 
they would speak like they do if they were face to face with the person or 
the whole group.

There are many contributors in here who do consider their posts before 

I agree with Doc. that this forum is not very telescope / astronomy oriented 
at the moment. If you look back at the recent few weeks worth of postings, 
some is good and contributing to the knowledge pool. A lot of it however is 
just gripes and digs that I feel is best dealt with elsewhere.

Perhaps if we find where some of the other contributors have gone, I will 
find you there when I arrive. I hope so!"

Tom C.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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