right, so why bother to make them smaller
for inadequate systems running low rez displays?
I think there is some confusion here, this
wasnt/isnt a typical web gallery designed
for general population, this was posted
for a specific group of people, the Pentax
mailing list to be specific, and this
group should have, in my opinion a higher
spec of computer than average for viewing
photos, and should have a greater appreciation
than average of image quality that a 1200
pixel image affords vs say 800 or 1024
size images. Whatever, hey they are my
photos after all and I am the only one
who saw them full size, so I am in a better
position to say if the loss at 800 or
1024 was tolerable or not to me. Whatever...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 6:54 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re:

J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> If you see ANY photo at 1500 pixels wide which
> is how I view them usually for full image, going smaller
> like to 800 pixels wide really hurts the details a LOT. Apparently you

> dont care or think it matters, but then why buy a 6/10Mp camera and 
> not care whether your photos are reduced in details way down to only 1

> Mp or less?

For a web gallery, yes..  Who gives a shit, John?  I print them at full 
res, but the web galleries are designed to fit on ANY monitor (hence 800

pixels on the longest side).  There were some cool cars in your gallery 
but my laptop (free from work; don't tell me to upgrade it) has a max 
resolution of 1024x768.  Honestly, the fact that they are jpegs has 
degraded the image enough, so again, who gives a shit?



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