In a message dated 5/19/2007 3:08:36 P.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, 
That goes right up there  with, "The bullet proves conclusively that Oswald 
did it" (The most important  piece of evidence in the most sensational murder 
case up to that time, just  disappears (those UFO guys must have gotten it)).  
The reporters that were  on the scene sure thought shots were coming from two 
directions (I just happened  to be watching it live on Dallas TV when it 
happened). There obviously was a  conspiracy to assassinate the President of 
United States, the question that  has never been adequately explained is "who 
were the  conspirators?"

I just read a news story the other day,  where they think retesting the 
bullet fragments, will, once and for all disprove  the "magic bullet" theory. 
was really stupid idea in the first place,  anyway. Arlen Specter has a 
creative  mind.

I  think it would be nice to have finally evidence to corroborate the  fact.

Marnie aka Doe  :-)

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