Sounds like sticky aperture blades. They're not stopping down fast enough. The 
lens will ned a CLA.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Axel Belinfante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just subscribed to the list, essentially to ask the question below.
> I recently got myself a K10d.  When I use the kit 18-55 mm
> and a FA*28-70 f/2.8 everything seems to work fine.
> However, with my FA*80-200 f/2.8 (aperture ring set to A)
> I seem to get consistent overexposure (2 stops or so?),
> _except_ when using it fully open (at 2.8)  using the
> hyper-program shifting or by using Av mode at 2.8.
> It almost makes me feel there is something wrong with
> the way the camera tries to set aperture on the lens
> (which would explain why it works fine at 2.8:
> then it doesn't have to do anything so it works).
> Would that be a valid explanation?
> Setting aperture using the ring on the lens, and
> then using lcd-preview gives me correct (not overexposed)
> preview shots.
> I have not been using the lens so much recently; in the
> somewhat longer past I've been using it on a Z1 shooting
> slides (last serious usage about a year ago, at the coast)
> and I don't recall this kind of consistent overexposure.
> I should probably just do some test shots with the Z1
> but haven't found the time.
> Sending the stuff in to pentax service, or even better,
> visiting them, would have been another option except
> that the dutch pentax service told me they send these
> kind of things to pentax europe in Hamburg
> (which doesn't really matter, except that if the dutch
> pentax service in Breda would still have existed I would
> just have visited them there and explained the issue)
> and except for the wrong-time-of-the-year problem
> (I've been told that due to holiday season it might
> take weeks until I would get it back :-(
> Don't know if this is the right forum for these kind of questions;
> I have seen there are multiple pentax forums out there, but don't
> know how they differ. Any thoughts?
> Minor suggestion: inclusion of (pointer to) PDML mini-faq
> on the mailing list web page (and/or in list welcome message)
> could be useful, if only to be able to appreciate the acronyms.
> Thanks,
> Axel.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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