John Francis wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 10:20:40PM +1200, David Mann wrote:
>> My main trail bike is relatively heavy so it's a bit harder to get  
>> uphill... but it's so much fun on the trails that I don't mind the  
>> extra pain.
> Most of the weight I have to lug up hills doesn't come from the bike :-(
I hear you, John.  If you want a real workout go get yourself a trailer 
and borrow a couple of the neighbors' kids.  :)  After a week off the 
bike, my knees hurt so bad this morning I can barely walk.  And the 
girls are bugging me to ride them to the park.  Ugh.

I've found that for me the weight came off fast initially, but has since 
slowed down.  My waist size is still shrinking (yay), but I'm not 
getting any lighter.  I'm hoping that I'm building some much needed 
muscle mass and that I'll start dropping again soon.  Good luck with 
your new ride.

Scott Loveless

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