In a message dated 12/6/01 1:07:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, aimcompute wrote:
> > I think Mafud does have a point here.  There's a difference between
> > taking your digital camera into a department store and getting their
> > run-of-the-mill prints back, and taking it to a pro-lab.  Same with
> > film.
> "True, but that wasn't what the post was about.  Mafud had said earlier 
> that getting a lab to make prints from digital files was a lot more 
> expensive than from film."

Let me clarify: I use real "pro" labs, not Walmart. Had the original 
statement mentioned Walmart anyplace or as the "source" lab, I would not have 

"I asked him to name a lab that charged more for digital to see if he really 
> place that charged an insane amount more, and he avoided the question 
> completely by going into an irrelevant rant about Wal~Mart."

Why would I answer the then and now pointless question in that we don't live 
in the same cities, so any prices I might give would be meaningless where you 
****I live in a metro area of under 700,000 people. You might live in a 
larger or smaller metro. You might live in a metro with higer/lower wages, 
higher/lower retail rents, or a place where there are dozens of graphics/pro 
labs/printers or just a few.
But you and others have been disingenuous by flatly asserting that a "lab" 
(even here we have differences about what a "lab" is) can or would print 
digitals as cheaply as film. Maybe Walmart can and does. 
*****Though they are a retail giant whose sales (up 13% year to year since 
Thanksgiving), they sure as hoot aren't "labs," not in the sense a 
professional classifies "labs." 
******As a Walmart spouse, when I need regular film processing done, I sure 
as hoot don't go to Walmart. Nope, I go across the road to SAM"s Club. 
Interestingly, the same processing that would cost you and me $4.99 at 
Walmart will cost us only $2.99 at Sam's. When I learned the same firm 
processed both Walmart and Sam's, I choose to save money at Sam's.  
******Even with my 10% spousal discount, sometimes Walmart costs to darn 

> accuses people of saying stuff that they didn't say.  :)"

Remember this: I'm under ~no~ obligation to answer pointed, "Do you still 
beat your wife" and other otherwise senseless, gratuitous questions. As to 
who said what: it's all mean spirited conversation or questions that as I 
have noted, don't deserve a direct answer.

"> what lab 
> he had in mind because he probably just made that bit of info up on the 
> spot.  :)"

> chris
A minilab sitting in the middle of a Walmart is ~NOT~ a photo lab but a photo 
processor. Calling one of them a "lab" is a needless and meaningless gilding 
of the Lily.    

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