From: "Bruce Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Christine, did you ever get any recommendations or did you go ahead and
> buy this book?  Any update?

Hi Bruce:  I didn't get any response to this post, and I haven't purchased 
the book, but I still might.  Godfrey, suggested a book too:  "301 Inkjet 
Tips and Techniques: An Essential Printing Resource for Photographers" by 
Andrew Darlow.  I suspect I'll take a looksee at that title & purchase it 

> There's been chat here (eg re the Epson 2880) and elsewhere that's got
> me thinking about printing alternatives.  My local photo shop will print
> 8x10's on some fancy-schmancy high-end printer/imager for about $10
> (Can) per sheet.  Or I can buy an ink-jet (eg 1900, 2400, 2880), paper,
> the inks, and do it myself.

The Epson 2880 is just fantastic.  I recently printed some BW shots of 
butterflies in 6 x 6 size on 8.5 x11 Velvet Fine Art paper, and my husband & 
I were just blown away by the quality.  Bruce, the print quality is just 
amazing.  This printer can take a bad shot & make it look great :-).  When I 
1st bought my K10D, I did upload jpegs to Kodak for prints, but I was never 
that happy with the quality,  but it was a way for me to see my shots in 
print. 8 x 10s were about $3.99 & I did a lot of 4x6 for about 15 cents a 
piece, but all that started to add up in terms of money, & felt I should 
just save the money to buy a high quality printer so that I'd be happy with 
my prints & have the control. Also, I definetly wanted to do some large size 

Moreover, my photographic skills were improving & my knowledge of the K10D 
was improving, so it just all kind of completed itself. But I've always 
known, whatever work you do on the computer, it's not going to shine unless 
you have a good printer--long before I got into digital photography I held 
this belief since I've done some low-end graphic/text project work with 
Microsoft Publisher et al, & we had a really great HP printer for that kind 
of stuff--but I do a lot less of that work now.

Bruce, I definitely recommend you start printing your own work.  It's so 
much fun, but I won't kid you, the joy of this part of the photographic 
process takes money!  But photography has always taken money!

> Gad! I thought figuring out what lenses I needed was research-intensive
> enough.

All of the 3 Epson printers you mention have gotten excellent reviews.  That 
1900 is supposed to be an excellent BW printer.  The 2400 is an excellent 
workhorse that produces beautiful prints, & I had planned to buy it, but I 
got a better deal on the R2880, and it's new technology--so I went with it. 
I'm very glad I did.

I've been shooting for a little over a year & have seen so few of my shots 
in print, so now I'm in constant "oooh, let's see what this shot looks like 
printed up."  I'm going through ink & paper like you would not believe.  But 
as my husband said, "well, you've got a backlog to print & a lot of 
enthusiam, an explosively expensive situation to be in." :-)

Here's the new plan:  a careful think-through of what constitutes a shot to 
be worthy of printing--now that I'm sobering up from "printing 
intoxication."  My plan is to do theme driven printing (and shooting, for 
that matter) & become brutal in deciding what shot is worthy of printing. 
Hopefully, this will keep costs in the safe & sober zone & make me a better 

> Is there some rule-of-thumb that suggests whether using a printing shop
> or going DIY with my own printer is the more appropriate alternative?

I don't know of any rule of thumb, but others probably do.
> Then I have to figure out how to frame the darned things ... :-)

I hear ya.  And to make matters worse, we have floor-to-ceiling bookcases 
covering every inch of virtually every wall in our apartment--& we have a 
huge apartment. I just recently cleared out the closet in my study, moved a 
bookcase into it, so I could have 1 clear wall to use as a kind of working 

I said a lot, & hopefully some of it was useful.  All-in-all, I say get the 
printer.  I gotta go.  I'm late for an appointment.  Hope this helps!
Big cheers, Christine

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