If anyone is interested, I have a 90° eyepiece that will lock onto any
of the Adaptall ][ lenses without the adapter, giving you a (fill in
your focal length[s] here) spotting scope or telescope. Best offer
over $25. It's really nice. With case. I've used it with my 80-200
with great results when I wasn't there for photography. Bright image
On May 19, 2009, at 12:32 , Adam Maas wrote:
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Graydon <o...@uniserve.com> wrote:
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 04:16:17PM +0100, mike wilson scripsit:
---- Graydon <o...@uniserve.com> wrote:
Because the screwdriver is there on the adapter, but there's
nothing in
the lens to adjust. I don't want the camera body trying to turn
something it can't to find out if anything adjusts.
And yes I could set the camera body to MF before mounting the
lens, but
forgetting should not have dire mechanical consequences.
It doesn't. I use M series lenses all the time on my DL2, leaving
AF on so that I can use focus confrim and trap focus. Been doing
that for just over three years and for another mumblemumble years
with my Z1-p. I cannot see any marks on my lens mounts at all.
With the Adaptall 2 adaptor, there's a lens, and then a mount-
adaptor. If the lens is pure MF, and the adaptor -- because that's
one can get off ebay -- supports auto-focus, the camera has
no way to tell that the screw drive isn't connected to anything.
No Adaptall mounts support AF. There are 2 versions for K mount, one
is plain K and the second is KA (but not 100% KA, as aperture
reporting via contacts is only accurate within certain limits). Some
Chinese clones also exist, but are essentially uncoupled preset
adapters that are really an uncoupled M42 mount on a M42-K adapter.
AF confirm Adaptall adapters exist for other mounts (but are the same
chinese uncoupled stacked m42 setup) but those only enable AF confirm
(and Av mode on some Sony bodies).
Joseph McAllister
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