I find that the 28-200mm is really quite good, on the *ist-D, it's short throw focusing does make the most of Pentax autofocus motors, though I seldom use autofocus, and it's even pretty good on the K20D if you stop down a bit... It's also surprisingly flair free for a complex zoom lens.


On 1/10/2010 1:13 PM, Thomas Cakalic wrote:
Amazing considering they brought the first AF SLR body to market.

For the times that I use AF in low-light, I've overall found it works
pretty decently on the *ist D at least.  I just had it out at the ski
area last week.  Night, people picture, in front of ski slope lit for
night skiing.  Not a bright scene at all.  AF hunted one or two times,
but focus locked and image was in focus. That was with the much
maligned FA 28-200.

Of course this was a stationary subject.  If I was in low light taking
grab shots I would expect the AF to perform not quite as well.

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:02 AM, William Robb<war...@gmail.com>  wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gonz"
Subject: low light autofocus

Is there any combination of Pentax body/lens (digital) that does
relatively well in low light?  I took my K20D and K200D to a wedding
and the autofocus sucked in a big way with the both a DA 12-24 and an
FA 50 1.4.  I tried to focus manually when I noticed about 1/2 of my
shots were out of focus, but my eyes dont do well in bright light let
alone low light.
The K7 at least has an AF illuminator which will turn on and let you focus
on what just happened.
It won't turn on until well after what you wanted to photograph has left the
building though.
Unfortunately, if you want good low light AF, the words Nikon and Canon are
where you will find your answer.

Back in August I was using both K7 and K20 at a wedding, the AF in neither
camera worked well in moderately low light conditions if the subject was
moving even slightly.
Autofocus is still an unexplored frontier for Pentax. They know what it
looks like, but they seem afraid to implement it into their cameras in a
meaningful way.

William Robb

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