I agree, Tom. I figure I'll start out doubling it -- $30 per pkg. That seems like a reasonable price, and given that I don't have any experience at this type of photography at all, I wouldn't feel comfortable asking more than that, really.

Thanks for the input.

-- Walt

On 9/10/2010 12:53 PM, Tom C wrote:
If it were me I'd double or triple the Walmart price and call it good.
  $50 or less is something most parents would find reasonable and it's
not a lot of money for you, but it does compensate you a bit for your

Tom C.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Walter Gilbert<ldott...@gmail.com>  wrote:
  Hi all,

So, here's my situation.  I ran into an old high school friend who's coaching 
several athletic teams.  He's seen some of my photography and asked if I'd be 
interested in doing some team photos for them -- soccer and basketball.  I told 
him I'd be interested in doing it, but I've never done that sort of thing 
before.  He essentially said the main thing the kids' parents are concerned 
about is pricing, and feels pretty confident that I'm competent enough to 
handle the task based on what he's seen.

Thing is, given my lack of experience, I'm not sure how much to charge these 
parents.  I can go through Walmart for the prints, which seem to be pretty 
reasonably priced -- the standard sports package being $15.00.  I don't know if 
any of you have any experience in this type of work at all, but any guidance 
would be much appreciated.  I've never done any sort of professional work at 
all, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how much I can fairly charge these people 
for my work.  But, I'd like to be able to make a buck or two someday, if only 
to subsidize my photography addiction.

Are there any rules of thumb or standard formulas that I could go by, aside 
from asking other local photographers what they're charging?

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me.



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