Thanks for all the advice, y'all.

I went ahead with the price Paul suggested for the simple fact that the images they mentioned weren't all that "unique" and similar ones could be found if needed. They were simple pictures of signs being held up by rally attendees that didn't require any particular skill to take or process. I figured the biggest part of the reason they accepted them was because I happened to be one of the first people to approach them for submissions. (I spotted a mention of the impending publication of the book in a news article the day after it appeared in the local press and got in touch with them right away.)

I figured, if I shot too high, there were plenty of other sources they could go to and get them cheaper. They did mention the possibility of using other photos as well, so I also wanted to leave that door open. There are some photos in my collection from those rallies that I'm fairly proud of, and I may negotiate a higher price on those if they should ask to use them. At this point, though, my goal is to fend off starvation and get something published. I figure, at $50 a pop, at least the latter of the two will stand a fairly decent chance of happening for me, and hold open the opportunity to achieve the former.

Thanks again, everyone. I'll let y'all know what comes of it as soon as I know myself.

-- Walt

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