On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 08:21 +0200, "Boris Liberman" <bori...@gmail.com>
> Barry, few years ago I had Tamron 90/2.5 macro (older one) with PK-A 
> Adaptall adapter. It worked just fine only occasionally having electric 
> contact problems due to minute mechanical shift of a lens w.r.t. 
> adapter. I am thinking that you could find yourself another such adapter 
> (PK-A) on eBay or other venues that offer second hand gear and in 
> principle it might solve your problem.
> I did not find this little issue anything more than a minor nuisance at 
> the time. Sold the lens only because I wanted to buy significantly more 
> expensive FA 31/1.8 Limited and had no money available...

My experience is much the same.  I have a Tamron 90mm/2.5 with an
adaptall KA mount.  Whenever the mount stops sending info to the camera,
I find just trying to turn the lens slightly clockwise/anti-clockwise
re-establishes contact (it only moves fractionally).  You can find these
adapters on EBay but they tend to be a bit pricey these days - you may
have to pay $70 to $100 for one (second hand).

I'm a bit confused when you say you can't use a normal PK adaptall
mount.  Are you using the lens on a DSLR? - because the lens with PK
mount should work in the same way as any pre-A series K mount, using the
green button method in Manual mode.  Before I got a KA adaptall mount I
used a normal PK mount on the lens very successfully.  I just tried it
again and it works fine.

You can get a M42 adaptall mount for the lens and use it with the Pentax
M42/K adapter but I don't see how that would be a better solution than
the PK adapter.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

> On 12/28/2010 8:05 AM, Barry Rice wrote:
> > Hey Pentaxians
> >
> > I do my macro work using a Tamron 90mm 1:1 F2.8 macro, which is a generic
> > lens that sits on a Pentax P/KA mount. Unfortunately, the lens is starting
> > to act erratically and I've figured out that it is because of the adaptall
> > mount.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I've discovered that the Pentax adaptall mount for automatic
> > lenses are no longer being made, rumour has it they were unreliable,
> > although my mount lasted for about 12 years. The regular Pentax P/K mount is
> > useless for this lens (I know, I have one.)
> >
> > I've seen references to some other kind of mount, M42 or something like
> > that. Can someone 'splain to me if this is something I can use to bring my
> > extremely cherished 90mm back to life? I think it is a generic mount that
> > needs some kind of Pentax add-on?
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Barry
> >
> > Barry Rice, Ph.D.
> > Carnivorous Plant FAQ
> > sarracenia.com
> >
> >

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