The scratches appear after when you try and use the
enlarger to make 8x10 prints and fubble around in the
red darkness. The black and white negs look like well
black and white I guess just dark areas you orignially
saw in person are lighter and lighter ones dark ( I
guess ). I'm very surprised at how much detail these
little negs have to.

--- Chris Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, tom wrote:
> > Scissors, neg sleeves, a bottle opener and a film
> extractor are useful. You'll need storage bottles
> and measuring cups.
> I have all but the film extractor. 
> > Maybe a changing bag too.
> > Somewhere and some way to hang and dry the film.
> I am using my bathroom. It becomes light tight if I
> drop a towel along the
> bottom of the door, and turn off the hallway light.
> I hung a link up near
> the top of the shower (I'm just going to leave it
> up:) ).
> > 
> > 50mm is the standard for 35mm. The typical
> recommended 1st lens is a used Nikkor 50/2.8, and
> it's fine.
> > 
> > Once you get anal you can shop around for a
> Schneider or Rodenstock.
> Okay now I understand. I developed three rolls of
> T-Max 100 this weekend
> (in t-max developer). Went well. I think my negs
> came out good, and I
> looked them over and so far I have not found any
> scratches. 
> Once I get a better rythm with my process I am going
> to experiment a
> bit. I am not sure what a good black and white
> negative should look
> like. any pointers.
> - Chris (now saving pennies for an enlarger) :)
> --
> Chris Murray                   

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