Daniel, consider this - if your country invests 1 trln (yep, trillion) dollars in educational system this year, they will see the outcome in, may be like 20 years - 12 years of school, 3-4 years - first degree, 4-6 years - second and/or third degree... So this kind of investment is extremely risky by modern measure. Further, a politician (or a group of them) responsible for this act are very unlikely to be mentioned in the Great Books of History... So, instead they do cheap populism and "no child left behind" stuff... The slippery slope will get progressively more slippery...

On 4/10/2013 8:01 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
" If we want a school system that works, we need to switch to an
all-public model."

How will reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator make the
system "work"?>
Dan Matyola

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Aahz Maruch <a...@pobox.com> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013, Paul Stenquist wrote:

This discussion seems to assume that the existence of charter shoals
and voucher systems is up for debate. It's not. They're operating and,
in many places, succeeding. We still have much to learn about how
they should be regulated and on what basis they should be allowed to
compete, but going back to a schools system that is operated only by
the government isn't going to happen. That's history.

Only if we want to continue with a failing school system.  If we want a
school system that works, we need to switch to an all-public model (with,
of course, some caveats):


You have valid points about the entrenched interests, but vouchers and
charter schools are not the answer, if only because they just won't take
the real problem children (behavior disorders and physical/mental
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