----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: (LONG) High Resolution Scanning


> --------------
> 1) Does anyone have suggestions for "PhotoShopping" away the artifacts
> of "grain aliasing"?  In my experiments, it looks like a Median Blur
> with a radius of about four pixels does a decent job of smoothing
> things out, but doesn't get rid of the "speckles".  It does, though,
> make the image easier for USM to handle.  It helps reduce emphasizing
> the speckles, and it seems to give USM data it "likes better" for the
> actual edges in the image.  I'm really wondering if there's a way to
> clone the area into a new layer, then combine the layer with the
> original layer to get rid of them or knock down their intensity or
> something.

Conver to LAB, then use the Median filter in the A and B channels, where
there is significantly less detail.  Then apply "dust and scratches" to the
L channel.

> 2) Does anyone know of any resources on scanning and printing accuracy
> in relation to the solidity of the mechanical support of the scanner or
> printer.  IOW, we all know about blurry pictures and wobbly tripods ...
> but how do wobbly tables play into the accuracy we're getting from our
> scanners and printers?

Less of a problem with printers than for scanners I would think, but I doubt
that anyone uses a wobbly table for either.

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