At 21:42 2.5.2002 -0700, Alan Chan wrote:
>But the same question remains, "Are most 135 SLR users ready to dump all their 
>expensive lenses just yet?" It reminds me what happened to Minolta and Nikon APS SLRs.


If Pentax will come out with a new lens mount with lenses compatible only
with the digital bodies it means I will have to buy a lot of new lenses
(actually I will have to buy an entirely new camera system). 

If that happens, and if I want to go digital, there is really no reason 
why I would not switch brand and buy the system from a camera maker who makes 
system with compatible digital AND film camera bodies. 

Besides, it is only a matter of time when the imaging sensors will be full 35mm 
frame (and larger). With digital and film compatible lens system all I have to
do is to buy yet another body (and not the whole system again) and it will take
quite some time before 35mm film goes away. I have quite a lot of extremely good 
lenses and I hope I can still use them after everything has gone digital!


* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D       * GSM: +358 500 789 753 *
* Computec Oy Turku    * FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 10 264 0777 *
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