On 21/2/18, steve harley, discombobulated, unleashed:

>1) your Mini isn't recognizing any drives -- by this i assume you mean the 
>drives aren't showing in Finder
>   - try mounting them from within Disk Utility
>   - if that doesn't work, reboot your Mini with the shift key held down -- 
>does that change the situation? that clears caches and disables third part 
>extensions; if the drives do mount, then reboot again without the shift key, 
>are the drives are no longer recognized? that indicates a software 
>configuration problem: consider what extensions you may have installed
>   - if the shift key boot doesn't change anything, i would suspect system 
>software corruption or a hardware problem (such as with Firewire port); 
>restoring the system from Time Machine back to before the problem occurred 
>would tell you whether it is corrupted software; if that doesn't fix it, 
>signs point to a hardware issue
>2) your MBP has trouble with one drive -- "can't be unmounted"
>   - reboot MBP and try again with no applications open; instead of 
>unmounting via Disk Utility, use the Finder -- it usually gives you a more 
>informative message as to why unmount failed
>   - open the Console application and put >disk< in the search box; do you 
>see lines such as "(date) kernel disk0s2: I/O error."? if so there is a 
>problem with the hard drive; it could be the drive itself, the cable, or the 
>case (with the Firewire adapter circuit); i have even seen USB hubs (for usb 
>drives) and failing power adapters cause such problem
>   - if there aren't I/O error messages, it may simply be corruption of the 
>drive contents, and Disk Utility may or may not be able to repair it if you 
>can unmount it

Steve bossed it ;-) 



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