Just when you thought I'd forgotten - my review of the PUG for May is 
here. I remember having a quick look days and days ago, and thinking then 
that this PUG was a corker (as we say here in England) and that I'd need 
to devote lots of time in having a good squint (as we also say) and 
giving it some skodge (as we don't say - made that one up). In fact, on 
the day, as it were, time has nearly defeated me, and I better get this 
done, so you see, pretty pronto, catch my drift, give it my best, jolly 
good show, what? Nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat. Following this?

No? Follow this instead:

(Usual disclaimers: all shots are of high standard - pick out the ones 
that stop me longer - babble on a few words - log off knowing full well 
there's people out there with a better eye than me!)

*         *         *         *         *         *         *         *   
      *         *         *         *        *

Inhale, Exhale, Relax (mountain lake scene)
Thomas Cakalic
Those mountains look like they were painted on! Beautiful vista, nice 

Jetty (gull on a jetty)
Leon Altoff
Couldn't decide on this one - but ended up looking at it a full minute so 
it must have something! Do you carry a plastic gull with you for these 
occasions ? ;-) I can see where you are going with keeping the posts 
level with the horizon, but I just don;t know if it works or not. It must 
do or I wouldn't have written all this about it. I keep thinking that 
someone's got the gull tethered from the left and is about to yank it 
off. Hitchcock would feel right at home with this. Well observed.

Walkway (colourful wooden footbridge over water)
Martin Mielke
Nice composition, feel to it. Draws the eye right in. Pleasant.

The Sun Sets (a sunset over dam water)
Gaurav Aggarwal
I always mention first timer PUGsters, and Gaurav has provided a brave 
attempt with an easy subject to shoot - a difficult subject to shoot 
well. Sunsets are ten a penny, and keeping the viewer looking is the real 
trick. Watch those horizons! Lord knows I've learnt the hard way :-) Well 
done Gaurav.

The Summer Palace (tonal gradation landscape water/hills/mountain/temple)
Breathless! Fantastic result here from a stunning view. Plenty of water 
in the air, mist hanging, lit beautifully giving perfect tonal gradation. 
Muted colour, serene feel, compositional elements all there. You sign it, 
I'll hang it! Lovely.

Evening Tranquillity (dusk clouds/silhouetted trees)
Rob Renner
I'm a sucker for trees and clouds, Rob has both here. Really crisp feel 
to this, the colours in those clouds is great. Smashing shot, and well 
scanned with good contrast.

Rays (grainy clouds/sun rays)
Tim Bettis
First timer Tim has started out on a trip that will take him hours or 
years. The most important hint or tip anyone could ever give to you is 
this: do it for yourself. If you like it, it is right. If you feel you 
can do better, then keep doing it until you get it just how you want. 
Read, study, experiment. Be yourself. Good start!

Across From the Hall (building low vantage upright)
Christopher Lillja
An unusual crop of a building, it works for me. Loads of upright 
parallels whisk the eye up to the blue blue sky. Good scan with crisp 
contrast and great colour. Well done!

One Day in December (Vietnam Memorial lone figure)
Chris Skofteland
Lovely perspective, muted colours except for the bright blue of the 
lonely figure searching for a name on a wall. Poignant and introspective. 
Works on many levels. Simply a fine image, portraying a sombre subject 
with dignity. Thanks Chris.

University College - U of T St George Campus (upright ornate building)
James Relunia
Premier PUGster James aims his PZ-1p high up for an architectural study 
of a prestigious and historic facade. Nice effort, with plenty to admire. 
More please.

Windy Picnic (trees and walkway landscape, picnic people)
Amita Guha
Amita's first roll of monochrome through her SLR and she knows right away 
what it's all about. It's about shape and form, it's about tone and 
texture, it's about composition and elements. They're all here. It would 
work without the people, but they add plenty: nice to come of the trees 
and find them, almost hidden. The crop is nice, well done.

Jes (graffiti street scene)
Geoff Moes
Gritty grab of the sort of thing that made many a photographer famous. 
Geoff is keeping the side up here. Plenty of statement on urban street 
furniture, well composed.

Fragile Fern (green fern against grey rock)
Geoffrey Stevens
Simply: just a nice shot. Well done!

Leaning Tree (colourful trees/branches)
Kathy Leickly
Kath - you better start thinking of getting an agent - you consistently 
turn up really nice shots. Your eye of fine detail is well and truly 
wedged into the photographic, er, socket. Just such a nice image. 
Stunning colour and composition. The light is just right and it's a print 
I would be proud to hang on my wall (20X30 wood frame please ;-) so no 
surprise here for my runner up this month. Congrats!

>From the Botanic Gardens (green abstract with wiggly thing)
Petr Pazour
I think abstracts are always worth a mention if only for the brave people 
responsible. Let's face it, abstracts are done only for the pleasure of 
their creators, and the viewer either likes it, or does not. I like this 
one. Well done Petr.

Tree on Fire (amazing flowing colours)
Jostein Yksne
What did I just write ?? ;-) Another stunning example of something that 
another photographer might dismiss out of hand as tosh. I think it's 
fabulous! Sure you could do this in Photoshop with a few splotches of 
colour *but that's not the point* as Jostein knows only too well.

Afternoon (chain plus shadow)
Brilliant study of shape and form. The chain hangs next to a wall, 
finding a distorted mimic in the shadow. <clunk> as my jaw hits the 
floor. Astonishing.

Night Sculpture (strong shapes/colours against black)
Gabriel Bovino
Nice work. Must be an abstract kinda month!

Curves (racing car abstract)
Doug Franklin
Nice work Doug - strong composition and colour. No disputing where your 
loyalties lie. Cheers.

Walking Shadow (pavement reflection)
Gianfranco Irlanda
Superlatives would be fruitless here. Join me in expressing utter 
admiration for this awesome image and its creator. Gianfranco has taken 
photography and stood it on its head - quite literally. Simply: I want to 
be able to make pictures like this! How is it possible to get colour like 
that out of a reflection in a dull concrete surface? Sheer brilliance in 
our midst and a popular and acknowledged master of the art. Take a bow 
and collect my pic of the month award yet again, dammit. Bella! Ciao!

Red bellied Water Snake (red bellied water snake :-)
Mark Cassino
Fine example of a reptile a few of us know well, a few of us don't, and a 
few don't want to! Fascinating image, great explanation. Cheers!

Le Petit Prince (tree frog)
Harold Rust
Charming shot - well composed and sharp where it needs to be. Nicely 

Kerri (mono female side shot)
Paul Ewins
Nice aspect of the female form. Good use of monochrome, well done!

Skating Policeman in Paris (odd police on skates..!)
Jaume Lahuerta
Works fine for me Jaume. Nice composition. I had to look several times to 
see if I was understanding what I as seeing. The lens was fine - like it 
just as is.

Annie and Brodie (woman and dog jumping on beach)
James Donnellan
Remarkable decisive moment with the feet amazingly in sync, millimetres 
from the sand. Eye-catching composition. Nice one!

Consider the Moon (boy against blue sky)
Ollen Mullis
Oddly, this shot works better for me without the moon. Stunning graphic 
image of a lad hanging in the air. Photoshop eatyerheartout.

*         *         *         *         *         *         *         *   
      *         *         *         *        *

(boy that was a solid 2 hours! half past midnight zzzz)

Well done to all who submitted - it was one of the best galleries for a 
while. I am always pleased by the frequently high standard of 
contributions of ALL the images. You should all be proud!

Til next month,


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