hi mike, 

I just went to the Apple UK website and priced out the exact same mini I 
mentioned (16G RAM, 512GB SSD, including Logic Pro installed). The price is 
£1248.99 compared to US$1198.99, which accounting for currency differences, say 
that the UK price is about 30% greater .. but that price does include VAT, 
where the US price does not include state and local sales tax, usually about 
9.5% where I live in California. So the cost overall is about 20% more 
expensive in the UK, and most of that difference is in taxes. 

Regards the SPAM filter ... about three-quarters of all the messages I get from 
PDML are assigned as SPAM including my own, no matter what I do to change that. 
I think this is a problem with whatever the PDML server is putting into the 
message header. Because of this PDML glitch, I have a 'deSPAMPDML' script which 
I run on my SPAM mailbox whenever i want to look at PDML email. It puts all the 
messages in the right place and turns off the SPAM assignment.

Godfrey DiGiorgi -  godfreydigio...@me.com

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" 
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." 
– Charlie Brown

> On Oct 11, 2024, at 8:54 AM, mike wilson <m.9.wil...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Sadly, you need to convert those figures to sterling and add quite a bit to 
> obtain an equivalent here.  And you hit SPAM as well.
>> On 02/10/2024 01:10 BST Godfrey DiGiorgi <godfreydigio...@me.com> wrote:
>> I don't know what a "normal video connection is". 
>> A new Mac mini cpu configured with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD drive and 
>> delivered with Logic Pro installed is approx $1200. It has an HDMI port to 
>> drive video output, so any display with an HDMI input is usable, and any 
>> keyboard/mouse/trackpad input device with Bluetooth, USB-A, or 
>> USB-C/Thunderbolt outputs will be useable. 
>> I would spend the extra couple hundred $ and go with 1TB SSD because sound 
>> and video manipulations generally consume a lot of disk space. External 
>> drives for extended storage with USB-C connection are best, and are 
>> reasonably inexpensive for capacities of 4 to 6 TB. 
>> Apple systems are generally supported for about 5-6 years of macOS 
>> revisions, so that gives your daughter a computer she can rely upon for an 
>> entire University degree program, rather than buying an old system that will 
>> go out of date and not be upgradable to the next revision of the apps/macOS 
>> she needs. 
>> (This is pretty much precisely what my partner and I gifted our niece with 
>> over the Summer because she is starting her University degree program as 
>> well. We went with a MacBook Air laptop, though, because she needed/wanted 
>> mobility use, which added a bit to the cost. Call it $1900, and that of 
>> course includes the display and keyboard in the unit rather than having to 
>> purchase them separately. She'll use it for the entirety of her degree 
>> program, so $500 per year if it was then just tossed into the garbage (which 
>> it won't be), so that's really not a lot for an essential part of a modern 
>> student's annual University budget.) 
>> G
>>> On Oct 1, 2024, at 7:31 AM, mike wilson <m.9.wil...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>>> My daughter is just starting uni and "needs" some form of Apple computer to 
>>> run the software (Logic) she will be using.  Needs at least OS13.5, 
>>> apparently.
>>> After wailing and gnashing my teeth for some time because of the utterly 
>>> ridiculous pricing structure, I am having to work out a way to make this 
>>> happen.  So, bearing in mind that I am looking primarily at an Apple Mac 
>>> mini MMFJ3B/A, some questions:
>>> Will this cope?  Fairly sure she will have to use some form of external 
>>> drive for storage.
>>> Does Apple use normal video connections, such that I can attach a non-Apple 
>>> monitor?
>>> Will any bluetooth keyboard/mouse work - can I use a cabled one?
>>> Many thanks in anticipation.
>> --
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